What happens in the initial consultation?

We will analyse your individual situation in a non-binding initial meeting and you will already receive valuable input from us at this stage - no matter what level you are currently at with your company. And - what is particularly important to us - we see whether the chemistry is right. Because we want you to feel that you are in 100% good hands with us.

Do I have to change my insurance agent?

No, this is not absolutely necessary. If, for example, you have concluded certain contracts in the private sector that you still want to have managed by your old contact person and you only want our support for a specific area, such as private health insurance, you are welcome to do so. However, you are also welcome to handle everything through us with a single contact person.

How do you manage to get me more money?

A crucial point is that we know exactly where you as a company can save money - and it is precisely this money that you then have as a plus without any effort. But we are also very familiar with investment strategies that really make a profit.

Do I need a complete insurance concept right from the start?

No. We look at your individual situation and advise you on what exactly makes sense at this point in time. We will be happy to draw up a plan for what you can expect in the future. But you don't have to take out all your insurance policies at once right from the start, as is often the case with the competition.